In any language system there is a way to express questions. Japanese is no exception. In order to ask a question in Japanese language, speaker needs to add か (ka) at the end of the sentence. か (ka) is the question marker. Lets see some examples:
English: What is your name?
Japanese: おなまえ は なん ですか?
Kanji: お名前 は 何 ですか?
Reading: Onamae wa nan desu ka?
English: How much is this?
Japanese: これ は いくら です か?
Kanji: これ は 幾ら です か?
Reading: Kore wa ikura desu ka?
English: Where is the station?
Japanese: えき は どこ です か?
Kanji: 駅 は 何処 です か?
Reading: Eki wa doko desu ka?
As you can see, か (ka) is added as a question marker at the end of each sentence. This is how you can make questions in Japanese language. Lets see some more examples:
English: How are you?
Japanese: おげんき です か?
Kanji: お 元気 です か?
Reading: Ogenki desu ka?
English: Is it alright? / Are you OK?
Japanese: だいじょうぶ です か?
Kanji: 大丈夫 です か?
Reading: Daijoubu desu ka?
English: Can you take a picture?
Japanese: しゃしん を とって もらえます か?
Kanji: 写真 を 撮って 貰えます か?
Reading: Shashin wo totte moraemasu ka?
English: Would you please send it to me again?
Japanese: それ を わたし に もいちど おくって いただけます か?
Kanji: それ を 私 に もう一 度 送って 頂けます か?
Reading: Sore o watashi ni mou ichido okutte itadakemasu ka?
English: What you would like to eat?
Japanese: なに を たべます か?
Kanji: 何 を 食べます か?
Reading: Nani wo tabemasu ka?
If you have come to this far, probably you have understood about making question in Japanese. Hope this lesson is helpful enough for you to understand how to ask a question in Japanese language.