Say name and occupation in Japanese

On this post you will learn about very basic/entry level Japanese sentence. If you ever meet with any Japanese person, how you are going to say your name and occupation to him/her? Lets check this lesson and learn.

In Japanese:
わたし (watashi) = I
わたし は (watashi wa) = I am

Here, は(wa) is a particle.

わたし は ケビン です。(watashi wa Kevin desu.) = I am Kevin.

Here, です(desu) grammatically ends your sentence. The bonding between subject and its predicate is done by です(desu). This is how Japanese elementary sentence structure works.

Lets see some other similar Japanese sentences:

わたし は がくせい です。(watashi wa gakusei desu.)
I am a student.
わたし は せんせい です。(watashi wa sensei desu.)
I am a teacher.
わたし は かいしゃいん です。(watashi wa kaishain desu.)
I am an employee.
わたし は きぎょうか です。(watashi wa kigyooka desu.)
I am an entrepreneur.

So you can say your name and occupation in Japanese like this:
watashi wa [Your name] desu. [Your occupation] desu.

Note that, after saying you name there is no need to saywatashi wa” to mention your occupation in second sentence. This is because the listener already knows that you are talking about yourself. Above 2 sentences mean:

I am [Your name]. I am a/an [Your occupation].
Example: watashi wa Mia desu. gakusei desu.
Meaning: I am Mia. I am a student.

Now you know how to say your name and occupation in Japanese language. You can use it in any Japanese environment without worrying too much. Hope this post is helpful for you.


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