‘Want’ ‘Wanted’ ‘Did not want’ in Japanese

If you want or wanted or do not want or did not want to do something you can express it in Japanese language. It is easy once you learn the pattern to express your desired action. Lets go directly to the point:


Entry word: たべます – 食べます
Japanese: たべたい
Reading: tabetai
Meaning: Want to eat

Do not want:

Japanese: たべたくない
Reading: tabetakunai
Meaning: Do not want to eat


Japanese: たべたかった
Reading: tabetakatta
Meaning: Wanted to eat

Did not want:

Japanese: たべたくなかった
Reading: tabetakunakatta
Meaning: Did not want to eat

So to summarize the pattern remember below points:

If you want to do something tai (たい) is used.
If you do not want to do something takunai (くない) is used.
If you wanted to do something takatta (かった) is used.
If you did not want to do something takunakatta (たくなかった) is used.

Lets see five more examples:

Japanese: いきます – 行きます
Reading: Ikimasu
Meaning: To go
Action form will be:
いきたい – Want to go
いきたくない – Do not want to go
いきかった – Wanted to go
いきたくなかった – Did not want to go

Japanese: みます – 見ます
Reading: Mimasu
Meaning: To see
Action form will be:
たい – Want to see
たくない – Do not want to see
かった – Wanted to see
たくなかった – Did not want to see

Japanese: のみます – 飲みます
Reading: Nomimasu
Meaning: To drink
Action form will be:
のみたい – Want to drink
のみたくない – Do not want to drink
のみかった – Wanted to drink
のみたくなかった – Did not want to drink

Japanese: ききます – 聞きます
Reading: Kikimasu
Meaning: To listen
Action form will be:
ききたい – Want to listen
ききたくない – Do not want to listen
ききかった – Wanted to listen
ききたくなかった – Did not want to listen

Japanese: きます – 来ます
Reading: Kimasu
Meaning: To come
Action form will be:
たい – Want to come
たくない – Do not want to come
かった – Wanted to come
たくなかった – Did not want to come

Hope this learning is helpful enough for you about how to express your desired action in Japanese language. Please try using them when you have chances, in this way you will be able to improve your Japanese little by little.


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