If you ever be in a Japanese restaurant and wonder how to deal with certain things i.e. you want to use the bathroom OR you want to ask for bill after you finish and ready to go out from the restaurant.
If you want to use the bathroom while in the restaurant and cannot figure out the correct location. Simply ask a restaurant staff:
Sentence = すみません。。。ちょっとよろしいですか?
Reading = Sumimasen… chotto yoroshii desuka?
Meaning = Excuse me (will you do me a favor)?
Once the staff noticed your attention and comes to you, simply ask the staff:
Sentence = すみません。。。おてあらいはどこですか?
Reading = Sumimasen… otearai wa doko desuka?
Meaning = Excuse me, where is the bathroom?
After that expect the staff will show you the direction immediately. Before going to the bathroom give him/her a formal thanks:
Sentence = ありがとうございます。
Reading = Arigatougozaimasu.
Meaning = Thank you.
If you want to give bill after you finish at a Japanese restaurant, simply ask a restaurant staff:
Sentence = すみません。。。ちょっとよろしいですか?
Reading = Sumimasen… chotto yoroshii desuka?
Meaning = Excuse me (will you do me a favor)?
Once the staff noticed your attention and comes to you, simply tell the staff:
Sentence = おかいけい おねがいします。
Reading = Okaikei onegaishimasu.
Meaning = Please give me the bill.
The staff at the restaurant will understand that you are asking for the bill payment. He/She will start working on it and give it to you in no matter of time.
So today you have learned very common Japanese phrases which are useful while you are in a Japanese restaurant. Hope you will have a chance to use them once you are at the right place on earth.