Kore sore are in Japanese

When you want to express about any thing/object around you, you can use これ (kore), それ (sore) and あれ (are) to mention it. You have to use これ (kore) when something is near to you, それ (sore) is used when something is near to the person you are talking but not near to you and あれ (are) is used when something is not near from both of you and the person you are talking to.

これ (kore) means this.
それ (sore) means that.
あれ (are) means over there.

Lets see an example:


Here, person A have to mention the ball using これ (kore) because the ball is near to the person. For person B the ball is それ (sore) because the ball is not near to person B but near to person A.

For both person A and person B, bus is あれ (are), because the bus is not near/close (far) to them.

Person A: (speaking to person B)
これ は ボール です。(kore wa boru desu.)
This is a ball.

Person B: (speaking to person A)
それ は ボール です。(sore wa boru desu.)
That is a ball.

Person A | Person B: (speaking about the bus to each other)
あれ は バス です。(are wa basu desu.)
Over there, that is a bus.

Hope this lesson helps you understanding about the usage of これ (kore), それ (sore) and あれ (are). You can use it for mentioning any thing/object depending on the distance from you and the person you are talking to.


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